Vital Signs: Health Care Access for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Patients
Health Care Access for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Patients – DeafYES! Center for Deaf Empowerment and Recovery
Health Care Access for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Patients – DeafYES! Center for Deaf Empowerment and Recovery
Microtia is a Latin word that means “Small Ear”. It can vary from the complete absence of the external ear to an ear that is normal in shape but smaller in size.
Everyday in the United States, approximately 1 in 1,000 newborns (or 33 babies every day) is born profoundly deaf, another 2-3 out of 1,000 babies are born with a partial hearing loss, making hearing loss the number one birth defect in America.
Most often, hearing loss treatment depends on what kind of hearing loss your child has and which specialists are the best suited to handle the treatment.
Whether your child uses assistive technologies, is in the process of being evaluated, or is waiting for follow up testing, it is critical they have access to language, visual or verbal, from birth.
Pediatric Audiological Evaluation (PAE), or behavioral hearing evaluations are used with children who are old enough (usually over 7 months) to respond to sounds either by turning their head or by playing a game.
Discover a world of possibilities at the Community Services Center (CSC), where we proudly offer a range of assistive technology items for the community to explore and try out.
A speech banana is a tool you can use to chart what your child can hear in a natural environment.
CSC Advisory Council Meeting – Comprehensive Service Center
The CSC is thrilled to announce its latest initiative – Signing Buddies, designed for Deaf children who use ASL throughout Hawaii.